English on the internet and a ‘post-varieties’ approach to language Discussion Questions -Yohamy Polanco

“Is email a variety of speech (as many people are claiming)? What important new properties does it share with writing? Does it have emergent qualities that are unlike those typifying speech or writing?”

What is are some differences in the properties in email “language” as opposed to texting? Is there language ideology at play in texting? How does the Romanization of the keyboard affect how language is written? By that I mean, is this an effect of an Eurocentric world?

How does translanguaging in verbal speech differ from code-meshing in written text, is it the same concept as translanguaging ? How does the absence of social cues or body language in written text have an effect in written text? How do emojis or the interpretation of emojis become ‘obvious’ or are they dependent on the context?

“In the interviews during which she was asked to reflect on the interactions, Dream commented that because Tee is older than her, she felt it more appropriate to write in Thai rather than English”

What are some constraints on translanguaging based on your audience or with whom you are conversing? Can entrainment be an influence on translanguaging? If someone translanguages, will you translanguage as well or vice-versa (if you normally translanguage, will you cease to translanguage if the person you are talking to does not)?