10/07/2019 Bailey – Heteroglossia Discussion Questions

  1. How would heteroglossia fit into language preservation, if at all? Would a heteroglossic approach be more useful for language purists or for reviving a dead/dying language?
  2. Most of the sources for the article are from the late 90’s/early 00’s, with some dating as far back as the 50’s-80’s. How would more recent data influence/change the article if it were written using data from the last 20 years?
  3. The article ends by saying, “Heteroglossia encourages us to interpret the meanings of talk in terms of the social worlds, past and present, of which words are part and parcel, rather than in terms of formal systems, such as ‘languages,’ that can veil actual speakers, uses, and contexts” (p. 506). What are some practical uses for heterglossia beyond the scope of sociolinguistics? In a classist/oppressive society, can a heterglossic approach be used to successfully argue for reform or can it only be used to characterize multilingual contexts?